Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Ok, so I dropped the blogging ball, and one person caught me. So, for Beth's sake, here I am! Inspired by my dear sister-preschool pastor friend, Big Nanny (you gotta see her blog entries on her recent trip to Africa. I would link you but am not sure how to make that work.), here I go.
Don't you love new years? I do! Out with the old and in with the new. Something about moving on that makes me happy! I make resolutions. I'm a believer in them--even if I don't keep them I enjoy making them. Gives me a sense of direction; some goals and ways to measure my minutes.
This year I have only a very few:
1. Don't cry every day over Mikel graduating on MAY 15! (And leaving for Union University in August).
2. Don't cry every other day over Kaleigh taking me on college visits this spring and summer (and she's not even looking 2 1/2 hours from home!).
3. Stay in the country. (I've broken that one already, as I'm going to Mazatlan in February with Tom and Kaleigh to check it out for her upcoming mission trip with students this summer AND I might be headed to Africa in March!! How CRAZY is that?!)
4. And all those other things like dieting, exercise, keeping up with dental appts, etc.

It's good--love the way we make plans and God supercedes them. Happy 2010, I'll resolute now to blog a bit more.